Stark broadening of H lines

New tables of Stark broadened hydrogen Lyman, Balmer and Paschen lines are presented for a wide range of plasma conditions, allowing the complete spectrum of these series to be modelled up to the Inglis Teller limit. The formalism, based on the Model Microfield Method (MMM) for both the electronic and ionic broadenings , gives an accurate description of the line profile from the centre to the wings. The profiles are calculated for a pure hydrogen plasma. All the transitions from n_lower = 1 (Lyman), 2(Balmer), 3(Paschen) to n_upper= (2 to 30) Lyman, (3 to 30) Balmer, (4 to 30) Paschen are reported. The temperature range is 2500 to 1.259E+06 K (10 temperatures) The electronic density range is 10e10 to 3.162E+19 (20 densities) A summary of the parameter values is reported in file "params.dat". The line profiles are tabulated in directories: ly/lyNN for Lyman lines, with NN = 02 .. 30 ba/baNN for Balmer lines, with NN = 03 .. 30 pa/paNN for Paschen lines, with NN = 04 .. 30 Each TRANSITION directory (for example ly/ly02, for Lyman{alpha}) contains at maximum 20 files, denoted by profilX.dat, ie, profil1.dat, ..., profil20.dat, which correspond to different increasing densities. Due to the plasma lowering of the ionization limit (Inglis Teller limit), the number of reported density calculations decreases when NN increases. The number of density files profilX.dat is reported for each transition directory in the file nraie.dat.

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Metadata Access
Creator Stehle C.; Huucheon R.
Publisher CDS
Publication Year 2000
OpenAccess true
Contact CDS support team <cds-question(at)>
Resource Type Dataset; AstroObjects
Discipline Astrophysics and Astronomy; Interdisciplinary Astronomy; Natural Sciences; Physics