Example (synthetic) electronic health record data


These data are modelled using the OMOP Common Data Model v5.3.Correlated Data SourceNG tube vocabulariesGeneration RulesThe patient’s age should be between 18 and 100 at the moment of the visit.Ethnicity data is using 2021 census data in England and Wales (Census in England and Wales 2021) .Gender is equally distributed between Male and Female (50% each).Every person in the record has a link in procedure_occurrence with the concept “Checking the position of nasogastric tube using X-ray”2% of person records have a link in procedure_occurrence with the concept of “Plain chest X-ray”60% of visit_occurrence has visit concept “Inpatient Visit”, while 40% have “Emergency Room Visit”NotesVersion 0Generated by man-made rule/story generatorStructural correct, all tables linked with the relationshipWe used national ethnicity data to generate a realistic distribution (see below)2011 Race Census figure in England and WalesEthnic Group : Population(%)Asian or Asian British: Bangladeshi - 1.1Asian or Asian British: Chinese - 0.7Asian or Asian British: Indian - 3.1Asian or Asian British: Pakistani - 2.7Asian or Asian British: any other Asian background -1.6Black or African or Caribbean or Black British: African - 2.5Black or African or Caribbean or Black British: Caribbean - 1Black or African or Caribbean or Black British: other Black or African or Caribbean background - 0.5Mixed multiple ethnic groups: White and Asian - 0.8Mixed multiple ethnic groups: White and Black African - 0.4Mixed multiple ethnic groups: White and Black Caribbean - 0.9Mixed multiple ethnic groups: any other Mixed or multiple ethnic background - 0.8White: English or Welsh or Scottish or Northern Irish or British - 74.4White: Irish - 0.9White: Gypsy or Irish Traveller - 0.1White: any other White background - 6.4Other ethnic group: any other ethnic group - 1.6Other ethnic group: Arab - 0.6

DOI https://doi.org/10.5522/04/25676298.v1
Related Identifier HasPart https://ndownloader.figshare.com/files/45819081
Related Identifier HasPart https://ndownloader.figshare.com/files/45819084
Related Identifier HasPart https://ndownloader.figshare.com/files/45819087
Metadata Access https://api.figshare.com/v2/oai?verb=GetRecord&metadataPrefix=oai_datacite&identifier=oai:figshare.com:article/25676298
Creator Harris, Steve; Lai, Wai Shing
Publisher University College London UCL
Contributor Figshare
Publication Year 2024
Rights https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/
OpenAccess true
Contact researchdatarepository(at)ucl.ac.uk
Language English
Resource Type Dataset
Discipline Other