Ecosystem Site Anomaly Visualization Notebook Tool v3


This notebook allows users to visualize anomalies in ecosystem variables. Daily averages for a selected year are compared to daily averages for a reference period of either 11 or 21 years. The results are aggregated to either months of the year, or kept as days of the year in which case all data for a selected month is plotted.

Eddy covariance fluxes at 73 sites that are part of the collection "Warm Winter 2020" have been considered for these analyses. The daily average values found in the files with the structure "FLX_SE-Deg_FLUXNET2015_FULLSET_DD_2001-2020_beta-3" are used. Considered variables include: Gross Primary Production (GPP) during daytime, shortwave incoming radiation and vapor pressure deficit. The main difference between version 2 of the tool and this version (v3) is that the units for GPP and RECO have been corrected. Previously, they were set to µmol/m²/s, but they should be gC/m²/d. Another update involves using the new icoscp library. For other minor changes, please refer to the ICOS CP GitHub page for our Jupyter services (

This archive contains scripts and data, in addition to the notebook, and the whole package is needed for the tool to run. An alternative to downloading the notebook package is to use the up-to-date version of the tool available on exploredata in the folder "icos_jupyter_notebooks". You can request a password for this service here: Observe that once you log out from exploredata, any changes will automatically be dropped.

Metadata Access
Creator Storm, Ida ORCID logo; Klasen, Verena (ORCID: 0000-0002-9106-977X)
Publisher ICOS ERIC - Carbon Portal
Publication Year 2024
Rights CC BY 4.0;
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Notebook package; Software
Format .ipynb; .py; .csv; .png
Version 3.0
Discipline Other