This corpus of Umarnin Uwa film transcripts contains 47 transcripts with a total of 10194 tokens. It provides information including automatic POS tagging, speaker and extralinguistic information, foreign words and code-switching.
CLARIN Metadata summary for A5 Hausa Umarnin Uwa (CMDI-based)
Title: A5 Hausa Umarnin Uwa
Description: This corpus of Umarnin Uwa film transcripts contains 47 transcripts with a total of 10194 tokens. It provides information including automatic POS tagging, speaker and extralinguistic information, foreign words and code-switching.
Publication date: 2015
Data owner: Sonderforschungsbereich 632 / Institut für Linguistik, Universität Potsdam
Contributors: Malte Zimmermann (editor), Thuan Tran (researcher), Agata Renans (researcher)
Project: Special Research Centre 632 Information structure, German Research Foundation
Language: Hausa (hau)
Size: 10194 Token
Segmentation units: other
Genre: discourse
Modality: spoken