In 612 points icedata in coded form is stored in an ascii file. fi=66deg-r0.25deg lambda=7.5 deg + c0.5 deg The ice code covers temperature: TTTXXX ICECODE:ICDIC(C1C2C3C4C5) all described in BASIS A databank for Baltic sea ice and sea surface temperatures Norrköping 1981 (this paper will be available together with the data .set The datafile is called: BASIS_F.DAT This is a joint project between SMHI and FMI in a winter navigation program. Data have been extracted from reanalyzed ice and surface temperature maps with a frequency of two datsets (maps) a week. 16 seasons are covered. After 1979 a higher resolution has been created. There will be attempts to combine with this dataset at a later stage. The data file has been read with Matlab and mat files of ice concentration and the icecode. These files are also provided.
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Registry extract and/or access to biobank sample
Registerutdrag och/eller tillgång till prov i biobank