CePdAl is a unique intermetallic material, where both long-range magnetic order and magnetic frustration coexist below the antiferromagnetic ordering temperature of 2.7K. An arrangement of Ce ions on a distorted Kagomé lattice in the basal plane leads to magnetic frustration. As a result, only two thirds of Ce moments participate in long-range magnetic order, whereas the other third remains mainly disordered. The occurring interplay between Kondo physics and partial magnetic frustration in this metal enables interesting investigations of strongly correlated effects. In previous experiments we already detected a remarkable dependence of the magnetic order on uniaxial pressure and on magnetic fields within the basal plane. Since uniaxial pressure is an ideal tool to influence the in-plane exchange interactions, we propose a detailed study of its effects on the magnetic order in CePdAl. Especially influences on the degree of frustration and on magnetic domains are of high interest.