The throughfall data are the average of data from four siphoning tipping-bucket rain gauges (Texas Electronics TR-525S, Dallas, Texas, USA) installed 50 cm above the peat surface along a 100 m transect, as described in Cobb and Harvey (2019). The coordinates provided for the throughfall measurements (in locations dataset) are the coordinates of the mid-point of the 4 throughfall gauges. The coordinates of the individual throughfall gauges were:Gauge 1: 114.354260, 4.370139Gauge 2: 114.354034, 4.369900Gauge 3: 114.353943, 4.369769Gauge 4: 114.353661, 4.369449The centroid of these 4 locations (recorded in locations dataset) was found by converting the coordinates of each gauge to a local projected coordinate system (GDBD2009, EPSG:5247), averaging the northing and easting coordinates, and converting back to longitude-latitude coordinates (EPSG:4326).