Leg 1 of research expidition iMirabilis2 took place from 31st of July to the 30th of August 2021 (Las Palmas de Gran Canaria- Las Palmas de Gran Canaria) onboard RV Sarmiento de Gamboa. A particular focus was the characterisation of the Cadamosto seamount. Physical oceanographical data were collected from 22 CTD stations using a Seabird Electronics SBE9 s/n 0851 CTD operating at 24 Hz, coupled to an SBE11 deck unit, together with a 24 bottle (12 l) sampler rosette coupled to an SBE 33 carousel deck unit. The underwater unit was lowered at less than 50 m/min. The dataset includes the data for pressure, temperature, conductivity, salinity, dissolved oxygen concentration, turbidity, chlorophyll a fluorescence and PAR irradiance for the down- and upcast of the instrument. Raw data were processed according to Seabird recommendations (SBE Data Processing V