Non-graphitic carbons (NGCs) represent an important class of materials both, in research in industrial applications. A quantitative description of the sp2-polyaromatic microstructure, showing substantial disorder compared to graphite, is desirable for linking material properties to the microstructure. Recently, Ruland and Smarsly introduced a novel approach for the evaluation of the wide-angle X-ray scattering (WAXS) data of non-graphitic carbon, providing meaningful structural parameters describing size and disorder of the graphene stacks. Here we apply for beam time at the E2 instrument to acquire WANS data of six NGC samples for the purpose of further verification of this algorithm and comparison of the structural parameters with those obtained from fitting WAXS data. Compared to WAXS and WANS experiments at FIREPOD, WANS experiments allow for significantly larger values of the modulus of the scattering vector and thus will help to establish the WAXS evaluation as a routine method.