Liberalising social protection amid austerity in Greece


The study delves into the developmental trajectories of the Greek social protection system over the last two decades. It mostly emphasises the post-crisis period in which rapid and massive changes took place due to the economic recession and the subsequent fiscal consolidation that was implemented in the country. As a result of these changes, the social protection system is under transformation towards a (neo)liberal orientation by primarily focusing on selective and means-tested social provisions to alleviate from absolute poverty. This undermines the goal of comprehensive welfare and has devastating implications for the living standards of a large part of the Greek population. The main socioeconomic indicators on poverty, deprivation, unemployment, etc. have risen to record highs since the enforcement of austerity in the country, while the social protection system’s capacity to absorb the heightened social risks has further weakened. This weakening relates to the number of beneficiaries, the scope of policies, the amount of benefits etc., and is evident in various functions of the social protection sectors (e.g. sickness/disability, pensions, unemployment, family/children). Overall, the chapter outlines the Greek social protection system’s transformation under the memoranda through the adoption of structural components traditionally characterising the liberal welfare regime type.

Metadata Access
Creator Papanastasiou, Stefanos; Papatheodorou, Christos
Publisher Κατάλογος Δεδομένων SoDaNet
Publication Year 2022
OpenAccess true
Discipline Economics; Social and Behavioural Sciences
Spatial Coverage Greece