Backscatter Cloud Probe with Polarization Detection


This dataset contains the processed and raw data collected with the Backscatter Cloud Probe with Polarization Detection during the HALO-AC³ campaign in March and April 2022 with the Polar 6 Aircraft out of Longyearbyen, Svalbard. The dataset contains two kinds of data. Data to which no inversion procedure has been applied and data to which the inversion procedure has been applied. The inversion procedure is applied to account for an uneven intensity of the laser beam across the sample area and resulting undersizing effects. The inversion procedure has been discussed in Lucke et al. (2023) ( and Beswick et al. (2014) ( All quantities which carry the suffix inv are based on the inverted data, all other properties are not. It should be noted, that the necessity of the inversion procedure remains unclear (see the previously mentioned publications). The inversion procedure could only be applied when more than 2000 particles were present over a 5 second interval. When this was not the case, the inverted data are 9999.999. The inverted data are therefore also computed from a 5s rolling average. The measurements of the BCPD are likely severely influenced by inertial separation effects, due to the proximity of the BCPD sample area to the fuselage (approx. 3cm). When ice particles are present, shattering occurs on the fuselage and artificially increases the ice number concentration. The number of ice and liquid particles listed in this data set can be useful for assessing the presence of ice and liquid particles. To estimate the number of liquid and ice particles more than 100 particles are required over a 5s interval. When this is not the case, the data are 9999.999. The number of ice and liquid particles were computed as rolling averages over 5s intervals. The sample area in case no inversion procedure is applied is 0.273 square millimeters.

During RF03 there was a malfunction with the BCPD, hence no data is available for that flight.

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Metadata Access
Creator Lucke, Johannes (ORCID: 0000-0001-6724-864X); Moser, Manuel ORCID logo; De La Torre Castro, Elena; Mayer, Johanna; Voigt, Christiane ORCID logo
Publisher PANGAEA
Publication Year 2023
Funding Reference Horizon 2020 Crossref Funder ID 824253 SENS4ICE
Rights Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International;
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Dataset
Format text/tab-separated-values
Size 12 data points
Discipline Earth System Research
Spatial Coverage (6.005W, 78.091S, 15.503E, 78.246N); Arctic
Temporal Coverage Begin 2022-03-20T10:39:14Z
Temporal Coverage End 2022-04-10T14:13:58Z