Raziskava sodi v sklop rednih mesečnih telefonskih anket, namenjenih spremljanju zadovoljstva z delom vlade in ocenjevanja razmer v državi. Raziskava vključuje tudi ocenjevanje podpore vstopu v Evropsko unijo in NATO. Aktualne teme meseca so bile ocenjevanje zadovoljstva z izidom volitev in oblikovano koalicijo, spremljanje TV informativnih oddaj, branje dnevnih časopisov ter revij in tednikov, pomoč prizadetim v Logu pod Mangartom, občutek ogroženosti zaradi bolezni norih krav.
Topics or thematic coverage: evaluation of socio-economic and political situation; party preference; satisfaction with the state of democracy; general satisfaction; evaluation of government; media habits; voting system; gender, age, education and region of residence. In addition questions about European union and NATO were asked. Topical subject of this month were estimating satisfaction with outcome of election and formation of coalition, following news broadcast on TV, reading daily newspapers, magazines and weekly papers, aid to suffered in natural disaster in Log pod Mangartom, feelings of threat because of mad cow disease.
Verjetnostno: večstopenjskoProbability.Multistage
Probability: MultistageProbability.Multistage
Telefonski intervju: CATIInterview.Telephone.CATI
Telephone interview: Computer-assisted (CATI)Interview.Telephone.CATI