Follow-up light curves of the host star TOI-3235

We present the discovery of TOI-3235 b, a short-period Jupiter orbiting an M dwarf with a stellar mass close to the critical mass at which stars transition from partially to fully convective. TOI-3235 b was first identified as a candidate from TESS photometry and confirmed with radial velocities from ESPRESSO and ground-based photometry from HATSouth, MEarth-South, TRAPPIST-South, LCOGT, and ExTrA. We find that the planet has a mass of 0.665+/-0.025M_J_ and a radius of 1.017+/-0.044R_J_. It orbits close to its host star, with an orbital period of 2.5926 days but has an equilibrium temperature of ~604K, well below the expected threshold for radius inflation of hot Jupiters. The host star has a mass of 0.3939+/-0.0030M_{sun}, a radius of 0.3697+/-0.0018R{sun}_, an effective temperature of 3389K, and a J-band magnitude of 11.706+/-0.025. Current planet formation models do not predict the existence of gas giants such as TOI-3235 b around such low-mass stars. With a high transmission spectroscopy metric, TOI-3235 b is one of the best-suited giants orbiting M dwarfs for atmospheric characterization.

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Creator Hobson M.J.; Jordan A.; Bryant E.M.; Brahm R.; Bayliss D.; Hartman J.D.,Bakos G.A.; Henning T.; Almenara J.M.; Barkaoui K.; Benkhaldoun Z.,Bonfils X.; Bouchy F.; Charbonneau D.; Cointepas M.; Collins K.A.,Eastman J.D.; Ghachoui M.; Gillon M.; Goeke R.F.; Horne K.; Irwin J.M.,Jehin E.; Jenkins J.M.; Latham D.W.; Moldovan D.; Murgas F.,Pozuelos F.J.; Ricker G.R.; Schwarz R.P.; Seager S.; Srdoc G.,Striegel S.; Timmermans M.; Vanderburg A.; Vanderspek R.; Winn J.N.
Publisher CDS
Publication Year 2025
OpenAccess true
Contact CDS support team <cds-question(at)>
Resource Type Dataset; AstroObjects
Discipline Astrophysics and Astronomy; Exoplanet Astronomy; Natural Sciences; Observational Astronomy; Physics; Stellar Astronomy