DutchParliament dataset annotated with coreferrence links.


A dataset of 74 documents containing records of parliamentary proceedings from the Dutch Tweede kamer between 2015 and 2020. The data has been manually annotated with coreference links by two annotators, and is available in jsonlines, XML text and CoNLL format.

Date Submitted: 2021-10-19

DOI https://doi.org/10.17026/dans-x86-adrt
Metadata Access https://phys-techsciences.datastations.nl/oai?verb=GetRecord&metadataPrefix=oai_datacite&identifier=doi:10.17026/dans-x86-adrt
Creator MAARTEN Marx ORCID logo
Publisher DANS Data Station Phys-Tech Sciences
Contributor Maarten Marx
Publication Year 2021
Rights CC0 1.0; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess; http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0
OpenAccess true
Contact Maarten Marx (UvA)
Resource Type Dataset
Format application/octet-stream; application/zip; text/plain; text/html; text/markdown
Size 6148; 10244; 180914; 116064; 3616210; 13256; 21402; 145881; 16212; 24519; 137155; 15350; 23762; 114944; 1566333; 13180; 21397; 113346; 13015; 20861; 102489; 11763; 20789; 139583; 13650; 21014; 149498; 17127; 24242; 155282; 15806; 23739; 132987; 13706; 20980; 151648; 17412; 24423; 142647; 16062; 24065; 147608; 14642; 21603; 141175; 16495; 24247; 133799; 13640; 21411; 154491; 15942; 23802; 133372; 13407; 21417; 134215; 13767; 20948; 137306; 13917; 20874; 138714; 16117; 24209; 169953; 17248; 24391; 135104; 13982; 21587; 153007; 16092; 24162; 132824; 15089; 23048; 139696; 16039; 23711; 142294; 14495; 20927; 137693; 14403; 23081; 111235; 12467; 21367; 129956; 14768; 21027; 120806; 13940; 21287; 130878; 15080; 23859; 129327; 14633; 23176; 141022; 16449; 23930; 126047; 14414; 21474; 137574; 13694; 20767; 140095; 16389; 24107; 126297; 12821; 20735; 133890; 13387; 23334; 148255; 14183; 24023; 133879; 15268; 23589; 140006; 15749; 23991; 128483; 14508; 23463; 127844; 12556; 23053; 145224; 14494; 23402; 141034; 14201; 23981; 120419; 13785; 21351; 115846; 13377; 20890; 118364; 13317; 21053; 133374; 15032; 24402; 106403; 12519; 20910; 128374; 13278; 20835; 140778; 15877; 24513; 114618; 12977; 20994; 134663; 13380; 20774; 125576; 13027; 20940; 138388; 14163; 23601; 118388; 13345; 21256; 126679; 14098; 23346; 117141; 13073; 21120; 114822; 13249; 21574; 115233; 13003; 20897; 125982; 13002; 20739; 122267; 12423; 21539; 124884; 13020; 21404; 154196; 15529; 23397; 134200; 13346; 20788; 145353; 14726; 23670; 128800; 13040; 21023; 116176; 11903; 20762; 157623; 15537; 23818; 118586; 13611; 22961; 142016; 14358; 21114; 145996; 14462; 23573; 138024; 13876; 21514; 1110
Version 1.0
Discipline Other