These three datasets are related to the analyses conducted in the article "Involving local communities for effective citizen science: determining game species' reproductive status to assess hunting effects in tropical forests".The first dataset (1_Archive_Interviews_Pregnancy_Diagnoses_Final) consists of interviews through which diagnoses of reproductive status of lowland paca (Cuniculus paca) were performed by local people in the Amazon.The second dataset (2_Archive_Hunting_Registers_Pregnancy_Immatures) consists of all records of pacas hunted voluntarily collected by local people over a 17-years citizen science project in one of the study sites.The third dataset (3_Archive_Hunting_Registers_CPUE) consists of data on the catch-per-unit-effort of lowland paca hunting events in the same site over 17 years.Specific explanations of columns' attributes are presented in the sheet "Explanations" within each dataset.The study areas and the coordinates related to the dataset are:Amanã Sustainable Development Reserve: -64.538 W; -2,492 SYavarí-Mirín River:-71,958 W; - 4,357 SJuruá River: -67,659 W; -5,517 S