Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.
To obtain background knowledge of communication in social services departments as a pointer to information needs. <i>Structured observation</i> was the method employed, each <i>information event</i> being recorded on a partially pre-coded edge-notched card.
Main Topics:
Variables Work role, whether or not line management responsibility was held, duration and locality of the event, direction or mode of communication (giving, receiving, etc.), role of the subject (using an expanded version of Mintzberg's managerial roles), channel of communication, person-to-person, or person-to-group, type of meeting, agency of other subject if not departmental, departmental staff, status of person relative to subject, form of written information involved, kind (legal, etc.) of written information involved, target group of communication, service involved.
Sampling was not employed. The departments were selected to represent different types of local authority: metropolitan county district, shire county and London borough. Five such departments were selected. Observational subjects were chosen to represent all staffing levels. 22 individuals were observed
Face-to-face interview