Coordinated user access to HTX lab – MASSIF-1 facilities for fragment screening and new structures. With funding through iNEXT Discovery, In


This proposal will provide user access to automated protein-to-structure and fragment screening pipelines based on the combination of EMBL HTX lab services and CrystalDirect technology and automated data collection at ESRF’s MX beamlines, within the framework of the EMBL-ESRF JSBG agreement. The access will encompass three key services: 1) Online-Crystallography for Protein-to-Structure analysis, 2) High throughput ligand and Fragment Screening, and 3) innovative Plate-to-beam data collection techniques, made possible by CrystalDirect’s integration at ESRF’s MASSIF1 beamline. Access will be granted through competitive, peer review, as part of EC-funded iNEXT, ISIDORE, CNASERV and Instruct-ERIC consortia. The proposal includes development of new methods to expand the experimental capabilities to perform cutting-edge research in structural biology through furhter integration of CrystalDirect at MASSIF-1 within the framework of international collaborations.

Metadata Access
Creator Jose Antonio MARQUEZ; Andrew MCCARTHY ORCID logo
Publisher ESRF (European Synchrotron Radiation Facility)
Publication Year 2027
Rights CC-BY-4.0;
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Data from large facility measurement; Collection
Discipline Particles, Nuclei and Fields