Winter denitrification rates in sand from the Janssand, Germany intertidal flat


The mpbvdnf_winter_dentirification_profile.csv file contains data in the following columns:depth - the depth below the sediment surface at which each measurement was made within a single sediment core. Units = m. rate_denitrification - the potential denitrification rate. Units = mmol N (m3 sediment)-1 h-1. rate_denitrification_se - the standard error associated with each potential denitrification rate measurement. Units = mmol N (m3 sediment)-1 h-1.Note: All data contained in this data file are from the mpbvdnf_winter sampling event.Methods: Denitrification rates were measured using a modification of the acetylene block technique such that nitrate was converted to nitrous oxide rather than dinitrogen gas through the denitrification process. The same method was used to calculate the rates in both the mpbvdnf_summer_denitrification_profile.csv file and the mpbvdnf_winter_denitrification_profile.csv file. Site seawater amended with nitrate to a final concentration of 20 µmol L-1 and acetylene (20% saturation) was gravity drained down through the core. Repeated depth profiles were measured with a nitrous oxide microsensor. The denitrification rate at each depth was calculated as the linear increase in nitrous oxide concentration with respect to time. The standard error associated with each denitrification rate measurement was calculated as the standard error of the slope of the line used to calculate the denitrification rate.

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Metadata Access
Creator Schutte, Charles A ORCID logo; Huanca-Valenzuela, Paulina (ORCID: 0000-0002-6100-051X); Lavik, Gaute; Marchant, Hannah K ORCID logo; de Beer, Dirk ORCID logo
Publisher PANGAEA
Publication Year 2021
Rights Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International;
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Dataset
Format text/tab-separated-values
Size 58 data points
Discipline Earth System Research
Spatial Coverage (7.697 LON, 53.737 LAT)