Seismic refraction and wide-angle data were acquired in the equatorial Atlantic Ocean along the rougly north-south running iLAB-SPARC profile (IS-01) near 18°W. Here we provide the data from 15 ocean-bottom-seismometer (OBS) stations representing the northern part (~300 km) of a seismic line with a total length of 850 km. Data were obtained aboard the French R/V Pourquoi Pas? in 2018. The repository contains two types of files for the OBS data and the MCS data, respectively.
The OBS data are segy files for the first 15 OBS of the ILAB-SPARC Cruise and a text file with the shots. The MCS data are multi-channel seismic data segy files and CDP positions for the three MCS lines (ilab,ilsp_p07,ilsp_p08) that cover the OBS line. The CDP position files contain columns with local CDP index, longitude and latitude. The second column in the ilab CDP file additionally represents the global CDP ID of the entire iLAB cruise.