Processing code and datasets used for creating the figures in "Long-term aerosol particle depolarization ratio measurements with Halo Doppler lidar".
DopplerLidarData_location.tar.gz: 4 archive files (in tar.gzipped format) containing Halo Doppler lidar, one for each location, with each archive file containing daily files which are in the self-describing netCDF format. Note that the archive for Hyytiälä contains Doppler lidar data from 2 instruments operated at different times. The instrument serial number (id) is present in the netCDF file name and in the global attributes within in each netCDF file.
WeatherStationData.tar.gz: archive file (in tar.gzipped format) containing weather station data for each location in 6-monthly CSV files with the following columns (in Finnish)
Vuosi,Kk,Pv,Klo,Aikavyöhyke,Pilvien määrä (1/8),Suhteellinen kosteus (%),Sateen intensiteetti (mm/h),Ilman lämpötila (degC)
which translate in English as
Year, Month, Day, Time, Timezone, Cloud cover (oktas), Relative humidity (%), Precipitation intensity (mm hr-1), Air temperature (degrees Celsius) archive file (in zip format) containing the version of the "Halo Doppler lidar Aerosol Identification Algorithm" processing code used to generate the products in the manuscript. The latest version of this code is also available in Github (