Until today the availability of in-situ oceanographic data is sparse due to high costs of vessels and instruments. Yet, in-situ observations play a major role in model validation and other purposes. Therefore, monitoring and observation platforms are highly important for the scientific community and decision makers. In the frame of the European Multidisciplinary Seafloor and water column Observatory (EMSO-ERIC) a vertical wave-powered profiler (Wirewalker) was deployed from the R/V Mário Ruivo during the EMSO-PT Leg 2 Campaign, in collaboration with the Instituto Português do Mar e da Atmosfera (IPMA), at the edge of the continental slope, 10 nm south of Cape St. Vincente, the SW tip of the Iberian Peninsula (36.84701 N, -8.92342 E) during June - October 2022 (2022-05-31T18:00:00Z to 2022-10-06T12:00:00Z). The dataset contains water column parameters acquired through a 6 channel RBRconcerto CTD, equipped with two Turner Designs Cyclops 7F sensors (Chl-a and Turbidty) and one RBRcoda3 T.ODO (optical dissolved oxygen). The sensors are installed in a wave powered vertical profiler (Wirewalker) travelling from about 1 m bellow surface to 150 m depth at an variable speed: upward cast (free floating) ~0.5 m/s; downward cast (wave motion) ~0.4 m/s (depending on wave conditions). Sampling rate is 2 Hz ascending, and 10 s descendending. Four complete profiles are expected to be performed every hour. Measured channels: Conductivity, Temperature, Pressure, Chlorophyll a, Temperature, Dissolved O2 concentration, Turbidity. Derived channels: Sea pressure, Depth, Salinity, Speed of sound, Specific conductivity, Dissolved O2 saturation, Density anomaly.