This dataset provides risk estimates from the long-term (5000-year) simulations of the process-based Regional Flood Model chain (RFM) developed for Germany (Falter et al. 2015). The 5000-year simulation is run as an ensemble of 50 100-year simulations. Each of those 100-year simulations is referred to as a scenario. The risk estimates are derived in Euros adjusted to prices as of 2018 for all major catchments in Germany – Elbe, Danube, Rhine, Weser and Ems. The dataset consists of the risk estimates for every simulated event at the catchment-level classified according to the sector – private sector (ps), commercial (com) and agriculture (agr). Losses to buildings and contents are estimated for private and commercial sectors. Crop losses are estimated for the agriculture sector. The full description of the RFM along with the derivation of the risk estimates and uncertainty measurement is provided in Sairam et al. (2021).