We wanted to model the time-temperature path of each tectonic unit of the Ukrainian Carpathians wedge to constrain the burial and accretion phase and assess the thermal evolution of the belt. During a field campaign in Ukraine in 2019, fourteen samples, weighing 3-5 kg each, were collected from sandstones across three transects in the Ukrainian Carpathians. Sampling focused on areas that were not targeted in previous studies (Andreucci et al., 2015; Nakapelyukh et al., 2018), aiming to collect at least one sample per tectonic unit along each transect. We conducted analysis for three thermochronometers; apatite fission-track (AFT), (U-Th)/He on apatite and on zircon grains (AHe and ZHe). Eleven of our samples gave statistically exploitable results. Most of the AHe single-grain are reset, whereas ZHe single-grain are mostly partially reset to fully non-reset. Aft ages are characterized by significant age dispersion (25-65 %), and are partially reset. During this work the author's contribution was as followed: AdL acquired funding for the project; AdL and MR planned the field campaign and sampled; MR and MB performed AFT analyses; ERS, MR and JG performed the AHe and ZHe measurements; ERS, MB and PvdB analyzed the data.