Diepere Maritieme Data


The goal of the "Diepere Maritieme Data" (DMD) project was to enrich the CLARIN Dutch Ships and Sailors (DSS) dataset with links from DSS records to scans of the original archival documents from which the data was digitized. Specifically, we enriched the subset "Noordelijke Monsterrollen Databases (Northern Muster Rolls Databases) created by historian Jurjen Leinenga which was converted to an RDF dataset within the DSS project (Persistent Identifier: urn:nbn:nl:ui:13-czhm-ug).For the enrichment in the DMD project, we put the original photographs of the archival records online on a VU server (http://dmd.ops.labs.vu.nl). In total, there are 20GB of photographs made available.These are linked to resources representing those records in the DSS datacloud through RDF triples. These triples are available in this dataset. The dataset consists of 9 RDF files in RDF/Turtle format. Each file refers to a separate archive in the Northern Netherlands (listed below). In the live triple store, hosted at http://semanticweb.cs.vu.nl/dss these are manifested as RDF Named Graphs.There are two metadata files1. dmd_meta.ttl holds provenance metadata for the other files, also in Turtle format. The provenance is represented using the PROV-O format. This file also holds the RDFSchema information about the used relation to link records and images (dss:hasOriginalScan).2. void.ttl holds the dataset metadata in VOID and DCAT format.The other Turtle files contain triples for each of the nine archives:- delfzijl.ttl: Delfzijl, Gemeentearchief Archief Delfzijl, 1808-1924: Registers van aanmonstering van zeevolk, 1814-1934- demarne.ttl: De Marne, Gemeentearchief Overheidsarchieven Ulrum 1811-1936, Staten van aanmonstering van zeevarenden, 1868-1905- dongeradeel.ttl: Dokkum, Streekarchief Noordoost-Friesland Westdongeradeel 1817-1927- fivelingo.ttl: Regionaal Historisch Centrum Groninger Archieven Inventaris van de archieven van gerechten in Fivelingo. Register van aanmonstering van zeelieden, 1803-1810- gasselte.ttl: Aa en Hunze, Gemeentearchief Gemeente Gasselte, Archief 1804-1950. Monsterrollen voor zeevarenden, 1902-1937- oldambt.ttl: Winschoten, Cultuurhistorisch Centrum Oldambt Gemeente Winschoten (1683) 1798-1929 (1948), Register der scheeps-monsteringen van schepen uitvarende naar buitenlandse havens op avontuur (1855-1901)- stadgroningen.ttl: Regionaal Historisch Centrum Groninger Archieven Archief Gemeentebestuur van Groningen, 1816-1916. Register van afgegeven monsterrollen. Met bijlagen, 1815-1855- termunten.ttl: Delfzijl, Gemeentearchief Termunten Termunten 1870-1878- wildervank.ttl: Veendam, Gemeentearchief Gemeentearchief Wildervank, Register van monsteringen van zeevolk, 1859-1915

DOI https://doi.org/10.17026/dans-x8p-mc6a
Metadata Access https://ssh.datastations.nl/oai?verb=GetRecord&metadataPrefix=oai_datacite&identifier=doi:10.17026/dans-x8p-mc6a
Creator V. de Boer; J. Leinenga
Publisher DANS Data Station Social Sciences and Humanities
Contributor V. de Boer; Funding Agency: Data Archiving and Networked Services (DANS)
Publication Year 2014
Rights CC0 1.0; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess; http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0
OpenAccess true
Contact V. de Boer (VU University Amsterdam)
Resource Type Dataset
Format text/turtle; application/pdf; application/zip; text/plain
Size 889488; 11041; 437031; 4104; 3319; 30138; 9512; 45227; 6144; 2839; 497221; 577; 1112; 170036
Version 1.0
Discipline History; Humanities