Depth is composite depth (mcd) from Weedon and Harris, in: Carter et al, 1999, doi:10.2973/, 0.45 mcd and 47.58 mcd Diasten, 86.62 mcd unconformity. The model is based upon radiocarbon age control down to ~39 ka (18.67 mcd), and prior to that by matching individualistic features of the climatic record between the 1119 onboard MST natural Q radiation curve (a proxy for mud delivery to the site) and the deuterium record from the Vostok ice core (a proxy for Antarctic air temperature; Petit et al.,1999, doi:10.1038/20859 ), using the Vostok time scale tuned to insolation at 65°N by Shackleton (2000, doi:10.1126/science.289.5486.1897). To reduce arbitrary changes in sedimentation rate, a linear age model was fitted to the six AMS dates between 2.07 and 14.95 (age=13700+710*mcd; R2 =0.96). Because of the marine reservoir correction uncertainties, the radiocarbon-controlled part of the age model is provisional. Age errors up to +/-1 kyr are possible back to ~25 ka, and up to +/-3 kyr between 25 and 40 ka.