Fig. 3 (2008): Susc_Vol., Susc_freq; ARM; "SIRM"; against depth; Dating of a Last Glacial loess sequence by relative geomagnetic palaeointensity: A case study from the Middle Danube Basin (Süttö, Hungary)


A thorough rock- and palaeomagnetic investigation of an almost 13-m-thick Upper Pleistocene loessepalaeosol sequence (LPSS) outcropping near the village of Süttö in northern Hungarywas conducted to obtain rock magnetic and palaeomagnetic-based chronostratigraphies. The low-field susceptibility (Klf), the frequency-dependent susceptibility (Kfd), the ARM and the “S”IRM of the LPSS at Sütt}o are shown together in Fig. 3 as a function of the profile depth. The very high values at the top of the profile characterise recent soil (unit 1). With the beginning of the uppermost pure loess layer (unit 2), the susceptibility signal drops considerably and then slowly increases with increasing depth (age). Apart from the clearly higher susceptibility values that unambiguously correlate with the identified soils, there appears to be a quasi-linear increasing susceptibility trend in the uppermost loess section (unit 2), which is also weakly present in the frequency-dependent susceptibility (Kfd) and in the “S”IRM, but is not visible in the ARM. Generally, the primarily concentration-dependent parameters Klf, ARM and “S”IRM show a similar course with depth. The upper part of the sand unit at a depth of approximately 8 m is characterised by high susceptibility, no elevated frequency dependence and missing higher values for ARM but somewhat higher “S”IRM. The Max/Min variation in Klf and “S”IRM is less than one order of magnitude incontrast to the ARM, which has variations of more than one order of magnitude (Fig. 3).

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Metadata Access
Creator Rolf, Christian ORCID logo; Hambach, Ulrich ORCID logo; Novothny, Ágnes; Horváth, Erzsébet ORCID logo; Schnepp, Elisabeth ORCID logo
Publisher PANGAEA
Publication Year 2020
Rights Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International;
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Dataset
Format text/tab-separated-values
Size 760 data points
Discipline Earth System Research
Spatial Coverage (18.448 LON, 47.738 LAT); Hungary