Processed 2 minutes-averaged continuous VM-ADCP (vessel-mounted Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler) profiles during POLARSTERN cruise ANT-XXVIII/3


This data set was obtained during the R. V. POLARSTERN cruise ANT-XXVIII/3. Current velocities were measured nearly continuously when outside territorial waters along the ship's track with a vessel-mounted TRD Instruments' 153.6-kHz Ocean Surveyor ADCP. The transducers were located 11 m below the water line and were protected against ice floes by an acoustically transparent plastic window. The current measurements were made using a pulse of 2s and vertical bin length of 4 m. The ship's velocity was calculated from position fixes obtained by the Global Positioning System (GPS). Heading, roll and pitch data from the ship's gyro platforms and the navigation data were used to convert the ADCP velocities into earth coordinates. Accuracy of the ADCP velocities mainly depends on the quality of the position fixes and the ship's heading data. Further errors stem from a misalignment of the transducer with the ship's centerline. The ADCP data were processed using the Ocean Surveyor Sputum Interpreter (OSSI) software developed by GEOMAR Helmholtz-Zentrum für Ozeanforschung Kiel. The averaging interval was set to 120 seconds. The reference layer was set to bins 5 to 16 avoiding near surface effects and biases near bin 1. Sampling interval setting: 2s; Number of bins: 80; Bin length: 4m; Pulse length: 4m; Blank beyond transmit length: 4m. Data processing setting: Top reference bin: 5; Bottom reference bin: 16; Average: 120s; Misalignment amplitude: 1.0276 +/- 0.1611, phase: 0.8100 +/- 0.7190.The precision for single ping and 4m cell size reported by TRDI is 0.30m/s. Resulting from the single ping precision and the number of pings (most of the time 36) during 120seconds the velocity accuracy is nearly 0.05m/s. (Velocity accuracy = single ping precision divided by square root of the number of pings).

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Metadata Access
Creator Strass, Volker H ORCID logo; Leach, Harry ORCID logo; Prandke, Hartmut; Donnelly, Matthew ORCID logo; Bracher, Astrid ORCID logo; Wolf-Gladrow, Dieter A ORCID logo
Publisher PANGAEA
Contributor Witte, Hannelore
Publication Year 2016
Rights Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported;
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Dataset
Format text/tab-separated-values
Size 9807327 data points
Discipline Acoustics; Engineering Sciences; Mechanical and industrial Engineering; Mechanics and Constructive Mechanical Engineering
Spatial Coverage (-67.745W, -54.144S, 17.084E, -35.462N); South Atlantic Ocean
Temporal Coverage Begin 2012-01-08T07:46:00Z
Temporal Coverage End 2012-03-10T18:48:00Z