Composition of post-Jurassic deposits from the Northwest Pacific and the Galapagos Rift, data of DSDP Legs 62, 65, and 70


The monogragh contains results of mineralogicai and geochemical studies of Mesozoic and Cenozoic deposits from the Pacific Ocean collected during Deep Sea Drilling Project. Special attention is paid on the aspects of geochemical history of post-Jurassic sedimentation in the central part of the Northwest Pacific, detailed characteristics of the main stages of sedimentary evolution are given: Early Cretaceons (protooceanic), Late Cretaceons (transitional) and Cenozoic (oceanic). Results of mineralogical and geochemical studies of hydrothermal deposits from the Galapagos Rift are given as well.

Supplement to: Timofeev, Pyotr P; Varentsov, Igor M; Rateev, Mikhail A; Sakharov, B A; Choporov, Dmitry Ya; Aleksandrova, V A; Bogolyubova, L I; Drits, Victor A; Eremeev, V V; Zolotarev, Boris P; Renngarten, N V; Tsipursky, S I (1985): Problemy litologii Mirovogo okeana. Mineralogiya i geokhimiya Tikhogo okeana (Problems of Lithology of the World Ocean: Mineralogy and Geochemistry of the Pacific Ocean). Geological Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Transactions, vol. 398. Nauka Publ. (Moscow); Timofeev, P.P. (Ed.)

Metadata Access
Creator Varentsov, Igor M; Zolotarev, Boris P; Timofeev, Pyotr P; Rateev, Mikhail A; Sakharov, B A; Choporov, Dmitry Ya; Aleksandrova, V A; Bogolyubova, L I; Drits, Victor A; Eremeev, V V; Renngarten, N V; Tsipursky, S I
Publisher PANGAEA
Contributor Geological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow
Publication Year 1985
Rights Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported;
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Supplementary Publication Series of Datasets; Collection
Format application/zip
Size 38 datasets
Discipline Earth System Research
Spatial Coverage (-86.090W, 0.567S, 173.889E, 39.861N); North Pacific/SEAMOUNT; North Pacific/CONT RISE; North Pacific/Gulf of California/CONT RISE; North Pacific/Gulf of California/SEDIMENT POND; North Pacific/MOUND
Temporal Coverage Begin 1978-08-02T00:00:00Z
Temporal Coverage End 1979-11-27T00:00:00Z