Fieldwork photographs Billefjorden July 2021


Fieldwork photographs of July 2021 excursion to Billefjorden. Day 0: boat journey onboard Polargirl (company: Polar Charter) from Longyearbyen to Diabasodden and then Pyramiden. Day 1: trip by zodiac boat from Pyramiden to Retrettøya, detailed fieldwork in Proterozoic basement rocks in Retrettøya, and return to Pyramiden by zodiac boat; Day 2: trip by zodiac boat from Pyramiden to Asvindalen, Brimerpynten, Alvrekdalen, and Narveneset. Landing site: Narveneset. Then walking away from the shore from Narveneset to Alvrekdalen and then Asvindalen. Return by foot along the shore in Brimerpynten. Day 3: trip by zodiac boat from Pyramiden to southern Ebbadalen. Then walk along southern Ebbadalen to Proterozoic basement rocks in the east. Day 4: trip by zodiac boat from Pyramiden to northern Narveneset. Hike up and down the slope to the Devonian-Permian unconformity. Then zodiac trip to Lykteneset in the afternoon. Walk upstream all the way up to the footwall of the Balliolbreen Fault into Devonian sedimentary rocks and back downstream. Day 5: trip to Mimerdalen by car (courtesy of Arktikugol) from Pyramiden. Then hike to and along the southern flank of Reuterskiöldfjellet and walk back along northern shore of Muninelva and to Pyramiden. Day 6: trip to Estheriahaugen by car (courtesy of Arktikugol) from Pyramiden. Then hike to and along the crest of Planteryggen all the way to the Permian. Walk down the northeastern flank of Planteryggen and towards two presumed landslides of Permian rocks on the southwestern side of Munindalen, and walk back to Estheriahaugen. Return journey by car from Estheriahaugen to Pyramiden (courtesy of Arktikugol). Day 7: trip to south of Estheriahaugen by car (courtesy of Arktikugol) from Pyramiden. Then hike to Blåvatnet and Fiskekløfta. Return to Pyramiden by car (courtesy of Arktikugol). Day 8: boat journey onboard Polargirl from Pyramiden to Nordenskiöldbreen and then Longyearbyen.

Metadata Access
Creator Koehl, Jean-Baptiste P. ORCID logo; Stokmo, Eirik Magnus Bache
Publisher DataverseNO
Contributor Koehl, Jean-Baptiste P.; University of Oslo; Stokmo, Eirik Magnus Backe
Publication Year 2021
Funding Reference Research Council of Norway, 322421
Rights CC0 1.0; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess;
OpenAccess true
Contact Koehl, Jean-Baptiste P. (University of Oslo)
Resource Type Photographs of outcrops; Dataset
Format text/plain; application/zip
Size 4175; 999258351; 1774197981; 3956609611; 810971454; 1866157772; 96643001; 939362873; 1344808064; 1458616307; 175438817; 1265181888; 1263184795; 451142301
Version 1.3
Discipline Earth and Environmental Science; Environmental Research; Geosciences; Natural Sciences
Spatial Coverage (15.910W, 75.340S, 17.090E, 78.760N)