For the detection of gas emissions, the water column data recorded with the MBES Kongsberg EM122 and EM710 were edited and displayed with QPS FLEDERMAUS using the 3D-Midwater tool. In order to detect and locate gas emissions emanating from the seafloor into the water column, MBES data were analyzed consistently for flares to achieve an almost complete coverage within the study area. The multibeam system allows to detect flares aside from the nadir of the ship's track as all beams of the swath are utilized. A table listing locations (latitude and longitude) and water depth (in meters) of detected flares is summerized from Meteor cruise M84/2 to the Black Sea focussing on the Crimean continental margin to the Kerch peninsula slope.
Supplement to: Römer, Miriam; Sahling, Heiko; dos Santos Ferreira, Christian; Bohrmann, Gerhard (2019): Methane gas emissions of the Black Sea—mapping from the Crimean continental margin to the Kerch Peninsula slope. Geo-Marine Letters