The corpus consists of texts collected from the most popular (based on the Reuters Institute Digital News Report for 2018, retrieved from in April, 2019) news portals in Croatia in the period from 2014 to 2018: Direktno, Dnevno, Net Hr, Hrt, Index_Hr, Jutarnji, Novilist, Rtl, SlobodnaDalmacija, Večernji, Tportal, Dnevnik. Web browsing and web crawling were used to select and store the texts with their useful HTML information (publication date of the article, its URL, and title). The linguistic processing of the corpus was performed with the CLASSLA package ( on the levels of tokenization, sentence splitting, morphosyntactic tagging, lemmatization, dependency parsing and named entity recognition.
This corpus is a linguistically-processed version of the original corpus published at and is distributed in the CoNLL-U format (