Deep Atlantic-wide proxy data compilation for the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), Heinrich Stadial 1 (HS1), and the Late Holocene (LH). Data columns indicate the site name, longitude (lon, °E), latitude (lat, °N), site location in the Atlantic (location, South (S), Equatorial (E) and North (N) East (E) and West (W) Atlantic, subpolar North Atlantic is left blank), site water depth (depth, metres), the time slices, and the number of data averaged for each time slice , the 2.5 and 97.5 % quantile values of the averaged data (lo and hi), and the median value (no suffix) for each proxy. The proxies are benthic stable carbon isotopes, (d13Cb), benthic stable oxygen isotopes (d18Ob, both in per mil), carbonate ion concentration from B/Ca measurements in benthic foraminifera shells (in µmol/kg), the radiogenic neodymium isotopic signature of the authigenic sediment fraction (eNd), and benthic - atmosphere radiocarbon age offsets (radage_batm, in years). Additionally, the foraminifera species used are indicated in the columns species_SI and species_CO3 for stable oxygen and carbon isotopes, and CO3 reconstructions, respectively.