We present high resolution measurements of trace species (e.g.: O3, H2O, HNO3, PAN, C2H6, HCOOH, NH3, solid ammonium nitrate) in the Upper Troposphere and Lowermost Stratosphere (UTLS) from the Gimballed Limb Observer for Radiance Imaging of the Atmosphere (GLORIA) during the StratoClim campaign with basis in Kathmandu, Nepal, on board the high altitude research aircraft Geophysica, 2017.
netCDF data can be opened with a variety of software tools, including Matlab, Origin, or Python. For a simple GUI solution, Panoply is recommended: https://www.giss.nasa.gov/tools/panoply/download/
We highly recommend to contact the GLORIA team at KIT or Jülich before using the data for scientific studies.