A collection of sentences demonstrating and correcting comma usage.
The sentences come from five sources:
- KUST: a Slovene learner corpus, https://nl.ijs.si/isjt06/proc/26_Stritar.pdf
- Šolar: a corpus of student writing, http://www.slovenscina.eu/korpusi/solar
- Lektor: a corpus of proof-reading corrections, http://www.slovenscina.eu/korpusi/lektor
- Wikipedija: https://sl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glavna_stran
- Janes: Tweet comma corpus Janes-Vejica 1.0, http://hdl.handle.net/11356/1088
For Janes, the comma corrections from the source corpus were used. For Lektor, the comma corrections of proof-readers were used, and additional corrections added by Peter Holozan. For other texts, the comma errors were manually marked by Peter Holozan.