Lu and Ho counterparts of RE3Fe5O12 will be an appropriate platform to reveal the complexmagnetic ground state of rare earth iron garnets with common formula RE3Fe5O12. Lu3+ doesnot possess magnetic moment due to the absence of unpaired electrons with 4f^14 electronicconfiguration, but Ho3+ possesses finite magnetic moment for having 4f^10 ground stateconfiguration. 50% Y doping at Ho site reveals new magnetic transition. Hence, studying these compounds together will explore the role of rare-earthmoment in the magnetic ground state of these garnets. No definitive work on single crystal neutrondiffraction study on these compounds has been performed so far. Hence, a detailed study onmagnetic ground states of these garnets is owed to plant to get insight into the fundamentalphysics and single crystal neutron diffraction is the best technique for this investigation.