Ice thickness from the northern catchment region of Greenland's 79 North Glacier, recorded with the airborne AWI UWB radar system


Ice thickness from the northern catchment region of Greenland's 79 North Glacier, recorded with the airborne AWI UWB radar system-AWI Flight Campaign: P6-211_RESURV79_2018Region: North East GreenlandOwner/PI: Daniela Jansen (AWI)-Email address of the used: AWI UWB (MCoRDS 5)Firn correction: none appliedVelocity profile: dielectric constant of 3.15 ( c = 1.68914e8 m/s )Ice Thickness uncertainty:is the RMS of the the sum of the crossover mean of 29intersections (= 11.2 m) and the error of the dielectric (1%). sqrt( (crossover_mean)^2 + ( (-ice_thickness/2) * 0.01 )^2 )-Method of navigation :GPS data was acquired by four NovAtel DL-V3 GPS receivers operating at 20Hz-Level of focusing:focused SAR

Metadata Access
Creator Jansen, Daniela ORCID logo; Franke, Steven ORCID logo; Binder, Tobias ORCID logo; Helm, Veit ORCID logo; Paden, John D
Publisher PANGAEA
Contributor Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research, Bremerhaven
Publication Year 2020
Rights Licensing unknown: Please contact principal investigator/authors to gain access and request licensing terms; Data access is restricted (moratorium, sensitive data, license constraints)
OpenAccess false
Resource Type Dataset
Format text/tab-separated-values
Size 691971 data points
Discipline Earth System Research
Spatial Coverage (-38.579W, 78.820S, -28.133E, 80.842N); North Greenland Sea
Temporal Coverage Begin 2018-04-14T11:56:33Z
Temporal Coverage End 2018-04-23T13:36:02Z