Ice thickness from the northern catchment region of Greenland's 79 North Glacier, recorded with the airborne AWI UWB radar system-AWI Flight Campaign: P6-211_RESURV79_2018Region: North East GreenlandOwner/PI: Daniela Jansen (AWI)-Email address of the used: AWI UWB (MCoRDS 5)Firn correction: none appliedVelocity profile: dielectric constant of 3.15 ( c = 1.68914e8 m/s )Ice Thickness uncertainty:is the RMS of the the sum of the crossover mean of 29intersections (= 11.2 m) and the error of the dielectric (1%). sqrt( (crossover_mean)^2 + ( (-ice_thickness/2) * 0.01 )^2 )-Method of navigation :GPS data was acquired by four NovAtel DL-V3 GPS receivers operating at 20Hz-Level of focusing:focused SAR