Indigenous and colonial pottery in Panamá Viejo (Panamá). Second set


This dataset contains 99 individuals of Indigenous, European, and colonial ceramics recovered from Panamá Viejo (Panamá). This town was founded on August 15, 1519, by Pedro Arias Dávila after abandoning the previous foundation of Santa María la Antigua del Darién (Colombia). It was officially promoted to city status in 1521. The city was destroyed and abandoned in 1670 after Henry Morgan's attack. This second ceramic set includes Indigenous pre-Colombian ceramics (PVJ066 to 085), transport jars (PVJ086 to 114, 165), green-glazed transport jars (PVJ115 to 122), coarse ware (PVJ123, 124), rojo bruñido (PVJ125 to 127), majolica (PVJ130 to 152) and criolla (PVJ153 to 164, 166 to 175). The excavation contexts are PV-OPIA (PVJ066 to 073, 084, 085), Plaza Mayor (PVPLB19) (PVJ074 to 083) and Santo Domingo (PVJ086 to 175).

Metadata Access
Creator Buxeda i Garrigós, Jaume ORCID logo; Thompson, Helen ORCID logo; Day, Peter Martin ORCID logo; Linero Baroni, Mirta (ORCID: 0000-0003-4869-709X)
Publisher CORA.Repositori de Dades de Recerca
Contributor Buxeda Garrigós, Jaume; Universitat de Barcelona
Publication Year 2024
Rights CC BY-SA 4.0; info:eu-repo/semantics/embargoedAcces;
OpenAccess true
Contact Buxeda Garrigós, Jaume (Universitat de Barcelona)
Resource Type Experimental data; Dataset
Format application/pdf; text/csv; text/plain; application/octet-stream
Size 187707; 13618; 21943; 61278; 19379; 61192; 19293; 61203; 19304; 61227; 19328; 61209; 19310; 61281; 19382; 61194; 19295; 61185; 19286; 61302; 19403; 61243; 19344; 61265; 19366; 61212; 19313; 61256; 19357; 61158; 19259; 61218; 19319; 61206; 19307; 61313; 19414; 61269; 19370; 61162; 19263; 61118; 19219; 61176; 19277; 61102; 19203; 61178; 19279; 61228; 19329; 61200; 19301; 61122; 19223; 61125; 19226; 61270; 19371; 61274; 19375; 61201; 19302; 61199; 19300; 61282; 19383; 61280; 19381; 61288; 19389; 61276; 19377; 61263; 19364; 61188; 19289; 61238; 19339; 61268; 19369; 61151; 19252; 61143; 19244; 61149; 19250; 61148; 19249; 61116; 19217; 61244; 19345; 61202; 19303; 61115; 19216; 61114; 19215; 61295; 19396; 61181; 19282; 61275; 19376; 61258; 19359; 61193; 19294; 61177; 19278; 61169; 19270; 61189; 19290; 61163; 19264; 61159; 19260; 61150; 19251; 61117; 19218; 61180; 19281; 61170; 19271; 61296; 19397; 61138; 19239; 61285; 19386; 61154; 19255; 61287; 19388; 61297; 19398; 61108; 61131; 61101; 19047; 61103; 19198; 61161; 19256; 19284; 61126; 19221; 61197; 19291; 19287; 61124; 19210
Version 1.0
Discipline Humanities