Dead Sea density during interglacials MIS 7c, 7a, 5e and 5c measured from halite fluid inclusions, and deduced chemical composition, relative volume and precipitated halite


The rain regime in the Eastern Mediterranean is primarily controlled by Mediterranean winter cyclonic systems. The density, chemical composition and relative volume of the Dead Sea responds sensitively to hydrological changes, and can be used to track the evolution of the Mediterranean hydroclimate during the late Quaternary. Halite fluid inclusions are exquisite aliquots of the lake brine, and can therefore be used to reconstruct these variables. Here, we reconstruct the Dead Sea lake density at 25 °C and 1 atmosphere from the measured sound velocity in halite fluid inclusions (FIs) of the deep ICDP core 5017-1-A during Marine Isotope Stages (MIS) 7c, 7a, 5e and 5c. Combining the density data with published pore fluid chemical composition data and evaporation simulations with the software PhreeqC v.3, we reconstruct the lake's chemical composition, relative volume and precipitated halite. The dataset presents values for each FI; averages can be calculated for each sample or group of samples located within a few 10s cm in the core (see paper referenced with this dataset, Guillerm et al., 2023). For each period MIS 7c, 7a, 5e and 5c, the reported lake volume is a value relative to the average of the first (deepest) sample of the given period. Observed and calculated halite thicknesses are cumulated from the beginning of each period MIS 7c, 7a, 5e and 5c.

Related Identifier References
Metadata Access
Creator Guillerm, Emmanuel ORCID logo; Gardien, Véronique; Waldmann, Nicolas D (ORCID: 0000-0003-4627-208X); Brall, Niels S ORCID logo; Ariztegui, Daniel ORCID logo; Schwab, Markus J; Neugebauer, Ina ORCID logo; Lach, Adeline; Caupin, Frédéric ORCID logo
Publisher PANGAEA
Publication Year 2024
Funding Reference Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region Crossref Funder ID 15-008302-01 ARC 3 Environnement of the Région Rhône-Alpes; German Research Foundation Crossref Funder ID BR2208/13-1/-2 PALEX 'Paleohydrology and Extreme Floods from the Dead Sea ICDP core
Rights Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International;
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Dataset
Format text/tab-separated-values
Size 17450 data points
Discipline Earth System Research
Spatial Coverage (35.471 LON, 31.508 LAT); Dead Sea Basin, Israel