Multi-technique approach to unravel the (dis)order in amorphous materials

The concept of order in disordered materials is the key to controlling the mechanical, electrical, and chemical properties of amorphous compounds widely exploited in industrial applications and daily life. Rather, it is far from being understood. Here, we propose a multi-technique numerical approach to study the order/disorder of amorphous materials on both the short- and the medium-range scale. We combine the analysis of the disorder level based on chemical and physical features with their geometrical and topological properties, defining a previously unexplored interplay between the different techniques and the different order scales. We applied this scheme to amorphous GeSe and GeSeTe chalcogenides, showing a modulation of the internal disorder as a function of the stoichiometry and composition: Se-rich systems are less ordered than Ge-rich systems at the short- and medium-range length scales. The present approach can be easily applied to more complex systems containing three or more atom types without any a priori knowledge about the system chemical–physical features, giving a deep insight into the understanding of complex systems.

Metadata Access
Creator Tavanti, Francesco; Calzolari, Arrigo
Publisher Materials Cloud
Publication Year 2023
Rights info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess; Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
OpenAccess true
Contact archive(at)
Language English
Resource Type Dataset
Discipline Materials Science and Engineering