The ASCAO database contains the listing of accepted targets from all proposals submitted in repsonse to the ASCA Guest Observer (GO) Announcements of Opportunities (AOs), as well as the targets that were selected for the Performance Verification (PV) phase. The current version of ASCAO includes all accepted targets from AOs 1 through 8.5 inclusive. Notice that, since the accepted targets include Priority 3 ones of which only a fraction have or will actually be observed, some of the listed targets in this database will never have been observed. To obtain more detailed information about the status of particular targets, please consult either the Master ASCA database table (ASCAMASTER) or the ASCA Observing Log database table (ASCALOG). This database was last updated in August 2000 based on information provided by the ASCA Project. This is a service provided by NASA HEASARC .