The dataset contains daily nc-files of the Cloudnet liquid water content during Polarstern cruise PS106.The data is retrieved using the instrument synergystic approach Cloudnet (Illingworth, 2007, doi:10.1175/BAMS-88-6-883).This variable was calculated for the profiles where the \"categorization\" data has diagnosed that liquid water is present and liquid water path is available from a coincident microwave radiometer. The model temperature and pressure were used to estimate thetheoretical adiabatic liquid water content gradient for each cloud base and the adiabatic liquid water content is then scaled so that its integral matches the radiometer measurement so that the liquid water content now follows a quasi-adiabatic profile. If the liquid layer is detected by the lidar only, there is the potential for cloud top height to be underestimated and so if the adiabatic integrated liquid water content is less than that measured by the microwave radiometer, the cloud top is extended until the adiabatic integrated liquid water content agrees with the value measured by the microwave radiometer.Missing values indicate that either1) a liquid water layer was diagnosed but no microwave radiometer data was available,2) a liquid water layer was diagnosed but the microwave radiometer data was unreliable; this may be because a melting layer was present in the profile, or because the retrieved lwp was unphysical (values of zero are not uncommon for thin supercooled liquid layers), or3) that rain is present in the profile and therefore, the vertical extent of liquid layers is difficult to ascertain.
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