Etude xKy: Données issues de compteurs linky avec échantillonnage inférieur à la minute


Jeu de données issue de l'étude xKy.

Le projet xky a deux objectifs principaux. Le premier est de fournir des passerelles se branchant sur les compteurs Linky afin de permettre aux personnes désireuses de comprendre et de réduire leur dépense énergétique de pouvoir suivre en temps réel leur consommation électrique. Le second est de pouvoir permettre de développer un lien entre les citoyens et le monde de la recherche au travers d'une expérience de science participative dans le domaine des énergies électriques grâce à la transparence de ses passerelles dont les plans et codes sont mis à disposition en OpenSource sous licence CC-BY-NC-ND.

Le jeu de données contient actuellement les données de: Une partie individualisée qui couvre la période d'octobre 2023 à Mars 2024 avec - Les données données socio-techniques des 255 participants à l'étude - Les données brutes individuelles anonymisées issues des linky de 153 participants à l'étude (Indexs, Puissance apparente, Tarification en cours, ...) avec pas d'échantillonnage inférieurs à la minute - Les données recalculées à partir des données brutes 153 participants à l'étude (Consommation journalière, Facteur de puissance, Puissance active, ...) avec pas d'échantillonnage inférieurs à la minute - Les données météo attachées au particpant sont issues du site et sont à l'échelle départementale. Une partie Globale qui couvre la période d'octobre 2023 à Mars 2024 avec: - Consommation jour moyenne des participants de l'étude ainsi que par type de contrat - Puissance apparente moyenne des participants de l'étude ainsi que par type de contrat - Puissance active moyenne des participants de l'étude ainsi que par type de contrat - Facteur de puissance moyenne des participants de l'étude ainsi que par type de contrat

Vous pouvez retrouver en temps réel ces données sur le site

Dataset from the xKy study.

The xky project has two main objectives. The first is to provide gateways that connect to Linky meters to allow people who want to understand and reduce their energy expenditure to be able to monitor their electricity consumption in real time. The second is to be able to develop a link between citizens and the world of research through a participatory science experiment in the field of electrical energy thanks to the transparency of its gateways, the plans and codes of which are made available in OpenSource under the CC-BY-NC-ND license.

The dataset currently contains data from: An individualized part that covers the period from October 2023 to March 2024 with: - The socio-technical data of the 255 participants in the study - The anonymized individual raw data from the linky of 153 participants in the study (Indexes, Apparent power, Current pricing, ...) with sampling subminute steps - The data recalculated from the raw data of 153 participants in the study (Daily consumption, Power factor, Active power, ...) with sampling subminute steps - The weather data attached to the participant comes from the site and is at the departmental level. A Global part that covers the period from October 2023 to March 2024 with: - Average daily consumption of the study participants as well as by type of contract - Average apparent power of the study participants as well as by contract type - Average active power of the study participants as well as by contract type - Average power factor of the study participants as well as by contract type

You can find this data in real time on the site

Metadata Access
Creator Ferrari, Jérôme ORCID logo; Imard, Vincent (ORCID: 0009-0005-6962-246X); Boisseau, Christophe ORCID logo; Osonuga, Seun (ORCID: 0000-0003-4560-998X); Wurtz, Frederic ORCID logo; Delinchant, Benoit ORCID logo
Publisher Recherche Data Gouv
Contributor Ferrari, Jérôme; Imar, Vincent; Boisseau, Christophe; Laboratoire de Génie Electrique de Grenoble; Entrepôt-Catalogue Recherche Data Gouv
Publication Year 2024
Rights etalab 2.0; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess;
OpenAccess true
Contact Ferrari, Jérôme (G2Elab ; UGA, CNRS, Grenoble INP ; France)
Resource Type Dataset
Format text/tab-separated-values; application/pdf; text/comma-separated-values
Size 1977410; 1851224; 1981607; 1913484; 1972719; 1932747; 1848572; 1979694; 1894612; 1973863; 1962553; 1830151; 1981215; 1915073; 1973675; 1969567; 1833357; 1981605; 1915170; 1973905; 2003750; 1874458; 2004160; 1940175; 2006954; 2003913; 1874075; 2004111; 1940278; 2009503; 2004202; 1875637; 2004584; 1940942; 2005184; 2004442; 1876093; 2004754; 1940951; 2005281; 1750; 10271; 486; 1960048; 1841729; 1968298; 1900332; 1963140; 1913742; 1832876; 1957867; 1899301; 1966070; 1951936; 1802824; 1969676; 1899417; 1967199; 1956993; 1805866; 1970033; 1900307; 1967476; 1974308; 1839564; 1967708; 1903272; 1971219; 1971138; 1839769; 1967692; 1907380; 1977922; 1976715; 1844779; 1970147; 1907073; 1972639; 1979961; 1848891; 1975799; 1909618; 1974494; 505582; 1330; 34333; 1162; 1866; 55726; 47433; 28003; 48446; 44408; 49166; 2762302; 8190609; 49279; 728910; 3693878; 1398207; 7751292; 17748; 49190; 1368555; 6106630; 2626437; 12997748; 17934; 49154; 349377; 376859; 527163; 571654; 17940; 49345; 6751457; 10989134; 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4798345; 4564337; 23895221; 17983; 49322; 1137614; 7193961; 3615685; 22915069; 25745; 48876; 45319; 49391; 2079682; 6924453; 49512; 836945; 4528947; 2313006; 14952033; 3882343; 9064033; 28863; 49027; 45627; 49611; 185164; 1359984; 284125; 2339804; 1337397; 6201340; 1944282; 24064027; 18041; 49490; 1554076; 2243106; 2306198; 2281250; 2120495; 2171314; 2853762; 4016603; 3897329; 3872815; 3837158; 4009708; 175277; 3539176; 342141; 8086567; 17798; 48943; 1262031; 6062253; 1786828; 10418347; 17927; 49294; 1369614; 6945119; 3706224; 22899577; 18010; 49390; 389801; 1951666; 1753284; 10004389; 18039; 49333; 1124190; 3507578; 4423603; 13665356; 29032; 49098; 45539; 49619; 449327; 2067183; 18984; 48686; 44883; 49642; 140535; 1026936; 234859; 1747598; 951765; 3974643; 1474369; 6645325; 49077; 45386; 49586; 165347; 836084; 42366; 3751937; 3741476; 3960913; 214874; 1070371; 60178; 5777293; 5809418; 6398909; 445660; 1372903; 91541; 1378764; 128987; 2280521; 49014; 45072; 49343; 107962; 2199764; 457723; 17254680; 18006; 49451; 132757; 212747; 27808; 48120; 44099; 48763; 1193453; 5680612; 1719514; 9294476; 18112; 49403; 260745; 1647578; 727140; 5302430; 17947; 49409; 208912; 2095457; 315243; 3431135; 17976; 49274; 15625; 34545; 1305330; 2167628; 2193866; 2242650; 2078257; 2189662; 2080008; 3398790; 3517139; 4120749; 3918464; 4492204; 29151; 48920; 45190; 49566; 211942; 855676; 351735; 1432257; 1055789; 4642063; 48891; 45558; 49467; 289151; 178799; 564026; 370191; 28855; 48706; 44899; 49528; 284548; 1494065; 513831; 1393047; 3826122; 7430559; 1034801; 1831193; 25355; 48798; 44977; 49365; 408745; 3001929; 804489; 6648162; 146577; 1539935; 248517; 2800011; 861809; 4312893; 1596290; 9384895; 18067; 49524; 1088964; 1517415; 1535738; 1415494; 1501568; 1331297; 1847496; 1870724; 1739921; 1905711; 28023; 48343; 44543; 49202; 92082; 2077853; 132943; 3414810; 49261; 2216362; 3398048; 480097; 3096616; 1354097; 9991522; 17149; 128820; 29559; 215609; 280707; 4289023; 1537935; 24993354; 49478; 151901; 3599265; 280313; 7672261; 17889; 49298; 1138343; 2554921; 2904167; 3123856; 2850056; 781239; 1409983; 3155216; 3577581; 3835614; 3535029; 1027477; 1671565; 5643064; 929957; 2142141; 48813; 524051; 1661446; 765190; 2742585; 18015; 938614; 3317825; 2952051; 10369395; 3035282; 6788580; 2307703; 7403050; 3098311; 6947718; 656070; 4163627; 2167909; 26207106; 24845; 48220; 44682; 49125; 9019499; 20900426; 2411633; 4114383; 49024; 945877; 2971384; 3077693; 3015854; 2610268; 2473475; 1181332; 3665230; 3780767; 3709069; 3248007; 6527026; 4473245; 5520363; 6331370; 7149575; 5553177; 8055664; 11502807; 15191453; 18634382; 21948685; 15561392; 22967425; 4317184; 7102599; 49489; 456661; 1064536; 3358579; 5767923; 3382510; 7438399; 49423; 3148315; 10019566; 3524135; 11286237; 49509; 296373; 685674; 2911037; 9171873; 1263398; 4647844; 2454703; 2974469; 2848302; 2815445; 1601780; 5832751; 3458934; 4451515; 4340538; 4412552; 1333739; 6559907; 151792; 310300; 49463; 1900938; 2375605; 2036123; 3016061; 503597; 2759810; 723982; 4467494; 2220397; 3756296; 49702; 3195425; 5066871; 3749266; 5940624; 49246; 1034144; 2204464; 1952526; 2317657; 2901299; 1775429; 1343763; 2766219; 2451429; 3205276; 4386175; 2795973; 77769; 248529; 49432; 871810; 1793206; 49440; 1340997; 2800903; 2914661; 2946525; 2704866; 2889954; 2452318; 4486186; 4951256; 4792832; 4509529; 5255539; 739555; 2816647; 2962475; 2966591; 2774628; 2944263; 940760; 3568909; 3749707; 3746110; 3539270; 3873717; 633618; 2084464; 2202531; 2247181; 846228; 2018602; 1091870; 3532402; 3671786; 3676408; 1552778; 3760198; 1537394; 4006091; 3848547; 3914176; 3384931; 3288302; 9364746; 10454937; 9371524; 9437126; 2252530; 2395444; 2356282; 2489178; 2306533; 2392387; 2980735; 3053111; 3001896; 3176343; 2951327; 3095328; 138421; 3376719; 3582216; 3595546; 3328702; 3547812; 175684; 4147356; 4393685; 4513160; 4118421; 4506732; 1219780; 669621; 1085877; 3851928; 2441124; 2177280; 1179421; 2233962; 7465457; 5141086; 1761420; 2703527; 141461; 3579153; 5157799; 254330; 48786; 45026; 49370; 834619; 3531449; 3528688; 3730143; 1206854; 7023999; 6727471; 7685952; 3096760; 1812461; 2383022; 5508347; 3226395; 4283708; 434393; 2009752; 1930298; 2504817; 2654323; 2807752; 551083; 2518159; 2410672; 3129841; 3345616; 3578987; 3295895; 1372456; 1497073; 4181512; 1733059; 1939196; 3398246; 3320664; 2230148; 3137926; 7959831; 8998632; 5466208; 8774052; 802789; 1390134; 1406953; 676426; 1320956; 1016061; 1735182; 1778927; 1052137; 3588674; 28648; 48839; 44694; 49104; 1705567; 2573902; 2123693; 3151135; 3144169; 3952391; 7124712; 8662189; 14782111; 14938012; 775236; 482956; 541597; 628137; 963508; 664916; 715090; 824367; 640927; 1418405; 1396687; 1213758; 1301880; 711612; 1718044; 1727180; 1495684; 1652888; 3330275; 3310590; 3041587; 3278962; 4084460; 4138544; 3794967; 4178947; 3093660; 2163664; 2714538; 2869190; 2480778; 2567325; 5448454; 4536176; 12235210; 17041812; 14871728; 15751896; 731398; 3261972; 2839165; 3028023; 3139647; 2640023; 20842948; 19385157; 20056894; 22465970; 27932; 48732; 44478; 49275; 1219612; 2984122; 2720433; 3008224; 2006872; 5324977; 4626398; 5493830; 617434; 1888363; 1914246; 1738145; 1842571; 787325; 2403267; 2461121; 2224744; 2423887; 568766; 325860; 557911; 545319; 1339125; 1230957; 1701804; 1422397; 486544; 1732561; 526242; 819201; 1330929; 606525; 2155391; 708972; 1071121; 1711748; 3051537; 2572104; 3187370; 3091849; 3189206; 3616181; 3084923; 3812865; 3745169; 3886055; 575635; 885603; 49529; 1975777; 2058360; 2108767; 3857289; 4056157; 4463936; 870565; 2108903; 2101631; 2490116; 2558524; 6275460; 5677783; 7759985; 25297; 48682; 44961; 49406; 342002; 2498546; 310959; 82618; 907719; 248105; 26014; 48780; 1140451; 2101877; 1816372; 3385303; 5579692; 5513428; 792579; 3040501; 2387272; 2385386; 8089563; 7326579; 4181336; 2780129; 6254843; 4147881; 895848; 3204818; 2818199; 2945409; 2563974; 9541794; 8391632; 8991412; 943503; 1673433; 1962996; 2434287; 2422939; 6527583; 10927166; 13681337; 345658; 2013004; 1736183; 1879648; 1015616; 6172480; 4842936; 5899514; 2829919; 3001549; 4328575; 4671702; 2383328; 3316389; 2487667; 3125870; 2856433; 3181385; 3136155; 4266779; 3197166; 3987082; 3712407; 4185548; 1563633; 1279275; 398074; 3453166; 3202220; 3369633; 846410; 10282403; 14969605; 16048861; 101700; 884599; 216318; 207664; 1798000; 407422; 943938; 2341140; 1453776; 4006486; 1410265; 3547133; 2226054; 6209348; 306072; 4074680; 2814936; 633665; 627293; 8237565; 5704695; 1312956; 158725; 3216778; 2978386; 3102592; 344145; 6644658; 5819260; 6514900; 749127; 2785636; 2546067; 2262343; 2106728; 8245703; 7178381; 6974523; 19384; 44531; 49257; 11980; 910539; 2468688; 3055690; 19636; 1419599; 3762503; 4766962; 19040; 48515; 44902; 49542; 1825; 28328; 48161; 10879; 135498; 263452; 2968373; 3977471; 4242135; 5717809; 7706632; 8275658; 45286; 49350; 2043462; 3157090; 49335; 845097; 4543587; 1224755; 6908041; 194860; 1601124; 309358; 2765528; 253703; 1690943; 1334860; 8779677; 862822; 4268729; 1629561; 8966350; 819536; 4052835; 1189970; 6373155; 28741; 48870; 45273; 903610; 873226; 1339650; 1146099; 3279448; 2638903; 1694506; 1716135; 4934042; 4233515; 12102025; 9734158
Version 2.1
Discipline Computer Science; Geosciences; Engineering Sciences; Construction Engineering and Architecture; Earth and Environmental Science; Engineering; Environmental Research; Natural Sciences
Spatial Coverage Etude xKy