Cloud optical thickness, cloud particle effective radius, and effective snow grain size retrieved from airborne spectral reflectivity measurements on 2012-05-17 (VERDI 2012) over the Beaufort Sea


SMART uses two separte spectrometer to cover the solar spectral range. To overcome differences in the timing of both components, a running mean (5 sec) was applied to the reflectivity time series in the retrieval algorithm. Therefore, cloud optical thickness, cloud particle size and snow grain size are smoothed as well while the reflectivity time series are provided as raw data without running mean.MODIS cloud products were selected and averaged for an area of 5x5 pixel with the aircraft observations centered in this area.tau_MODIS: MODIS cloud product Collection 6: Cloud Optical Thickness (dimensionless) two-channel retrieval using band 7(2.1 µm) and band 6(1.6 µm) from best points: not failed in any way, not marked for clear sky restoraltau_MODIS_16: MODIS cloud product Collection 6: Cloud Optical Thickness (dimensionless) two-channel retrieval using band 7(2.1 µm) and either band 1(0.65 µm) , 2(0.86 µm) , or 5(1.2 µm) (specified in Quality_Assurance_1km) from best points: not failed in any way, not marked for clear sky restoraltau_MODIS_21: MODIS cloud product Collection 6: Cloud Optical Thickness (dimensionless) two-channel retrieval using band 6(1.6 µm) and either band 1(0.65 µm) , 2(0.86 µm) , or 5(1.2 µm) (specified in Quality_Assurance_1km) from best points: not failed in any way, not marked for clear sky restoraltau_MODIS_37: MODIS cloud product Collection 6: Cloud Optical Thickness (dimensionless) two-channel retrieval using band 20(3.7 µm) and either band 1(0.65 µm) , 2(0.86 µm) , or 5(1.2 µm) (specified in Quality_Assurance_1km) from best points: not failed in any way, not marked for clear sky restoralR_eff_MODIS: MODIS cloud product Collection 6: Cloud Particle Effective Radius ( µm) two-channel retrieval using band 7(2.1 µm) and band 6(1.6 µm) from best points: not failed in any way, not marked for clear sky restoralR_eff_MODIS_16: MODIS cloud product Collection 6: Cloud Particle Effective Radius ( µm) two-channel retrieval using band 7(2.1 µm) and either band 1(0.65 µm) , 2(0.86 µm) , or 5(1.2 µm) (specified in Quality_Assurance_1km) from best points: not failed in any way, not marked for clear sky restoralR_eff_MODIS_21: MODIS cloud product Collection 6: Cloud Particle Effective Radius ( µm) two-channel retrieval using band 6(1.6 µm) and either band 1(0.65 µm) , 2(0.86 µm) , or 5(1.2 µm) (specified in Quality_Assurance_1km) from best points: not failed in any way, not marked for clear sky restoralR_eff_MODIS_37: MODIS cloud product Collection 6: Cloud Particle Effective Radius ( µm) two-channel retrieval using band 20(3.7 µm) and either band 1(0.65 µm) , 2(0.86 µm) , or 5(1.2 µm) (specified in Quality_Assurance_1km) from best points: not failed in any way, not marked for clear sky restoral--- Use of these data requires prior OK from the PIs. The VERDI Data Protocol applies

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Metadata Access
Creator Ehrlich, André ORCID logo; Bierwirth, Eike; Istomina, Larysa ORCID logo; Wendisch, Manfred ORCID logo
Publisher PANGAEA
Publication Year 2017
Funding Reference German Research Foundation Crossref Funder ID 268020496 TRR 172: ArctiC Amplification: Climate Relevant Atmospheric and SurfaCe Processes, and Feedback Mechanisms
Rights Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported;
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Dataset
Format text/tab-separated-values
Size 37829 data points
Discipline Earth System Research
Spatial Coverage (-138.563W, 69.408S, -136.806E, 69.853N)
Temporal Coverage Begin 2012-05-17T16:45:00Z
Temporal Coverage End 2012-05-17T17:12:00Z