We have collected 10025 foreground-background quasar pairs with projected distances d_p_0.15{AA} around foreground quasars, including both the line of sight (LOS; of foreground quasars) and transverse (TRA; perpendicular to the LOS) absorptions. Both the equivalent width (the correlation coefficient {rho}=-0.915 and the probability P<10^-4^ of no correlation) and incident rate ({rho}=-0.964 and P4{sigma}) greater than that of LOS MgII absorption lines at projected distances d_p_<200kpc, while the TRA and LOS MgII both have similar (200kpc. The anisotropic radiation from quasars would be the most possible interpretation for the anisotropic absorption around quasars. This could also indicate that the quasar radiation is not obviously impacting the gas halos of quasars at scales d_p_>200kpc.
Cone search capability for table J/ApJS/265/46/table1 (The properties of the quasar pairs and the line of sight (LOS) MgII absorption lines)
Cone search capability for table J/ApJS/265/46/table2 (The background quasars with transverse (TRA) MgII absorption lines)