Slovenian Pulse 12/2010


The survey covers the events in Slovenian politics at that time and concentrates on the topic of gambling. It revealed the survey estimated participation in the referendum on the law on national radio-television (RTV Slovenia) and the projected results of it. It also predicted the results of the possible referendum on the Law on small work, checked on what Slovenians think about the nomination of Branko Masleše for the president of the Supreme Court and examined the people’s view on the background of replacement of Uroš Rotnik as the manager of Thermal Power Plant Šoštanj. The survey looked into the view on political backgrounds in the investigation against the member of the Parliament Andrej Magajna. The topic of disclosure of the dispatch, which included the information on the conversation of the Prime Minister Borut Pahor at the American embassy, is also a part of the study. It is particularly focused on respondents’ opinion on whether the Prime Minister's actions were a perfectly normal practice, a political controversial act or even an act of corruption. In the field of gambling the survey studied which games were the most popular among residents of Slovenia's and their view on the development of the gaming industry in Slovenia.

Probability: StratifiedProbability.Stratified

Telephone interview: Computer-assisted (CATI)Interview.Telephone.CATI

Metadata Access
Creator Makarovič, Matej; Rončević, Borut; Tomšič, Matevž; Besednjak Valič, Tamara
Publisher Arhiv družboslovnih podatkov = Social Science Data Archives
Publication Year 2024
Funding Reference School of Advanced Social Studies in Nova Gorica
Rights ADP, 2024; The data is accessible for scientific purposes only and licenced under a Creative Commons Attribution + NonCommercial 4.0 International Licence. Users may use the data only for the purposes stated in the registration form and in accordance with professional codes of ethics. Users expressly agree to maintain the confidentiality of the data and to conduct analyses without attempting to identify the individuals and institutions covered by the materials.
OpenAccess true
Resource Type NumericNumeric
Discipline Social Sciences
Spatial Coverage Territory of the Republic of Slovenia; Slovenia