Scottish Emigration Database, 1923


Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.

Since the 1980s scholarly research into emigration from the British Isles has led to the publication of a substantial body of monographs, articles and collections of essays, which have addressed the subject from a variety of thematic, chronological, regional and international perspectives. The Scottish Emigration Database is the product of an Arts and Humanities Research Board (AHRB) funded project based at the University of Aberdeen’s AHRB Centre for Irish and Scottish Studies from January 2003 to March 2005. The Data Compilation and Analysis Project: Diaspora Studies was one of seven projects funded through the Centre’s Diaspora Programme. The research for the project had a two-year timeframe. The first eighteen months were spent in digitising the source documents and compiling the relational database, with the final six months being devoted to analysis. In view of the huge volume of archival material, it was decided to select records at ten-year intervals, rather than attempt comprehensive coverage. These snapshots were to include the first year that full records become available (1890), the upsurge in external migration just before the First World War (1910), the resurgence of the movement after the war (1920), the nadir of the depression (1930) and the period after World War II when air travel was beginning to take over from ocean passage (1960). It was subsequently decided to add 1923 to the sample, owing to its particular significance for Scottish emigration. The source documents were passenger lists (sometimes referred to as passenger manifests) completed by the pursers of shipping companies that conveyed passengers to ports outside Europe and the Mediterranean between 1890 and 1960. This study contains a database with records of 19,128 passengers who embarked at the Scottish ports of Dundee, Glasgow, Leith, Lochboisdale and Stornoway in the first 4 months of 1923. There is an extended version of this database comprising the records above mentioned, along with the records of 2,062 further passengers who embarked between 1890 and 1960 at the Scottish ports of Aberdeen, Ardrossan, Ayr, Granton, Greenock and Oban. This latter dataset can be viewed and searched online at [] [Viewed on 26/3/2013]

Main Topics:

The database in this study seeks to identify patterns of movement from Scottish ports for the first months for 1923 using information transferred digitally from the passenger manifests of the Board of Trade’s Statistical Department (BT27) held at The National Archives in Kew, London. It contains the records of 19,113 passengers and adds a unique quantitative dimension to the scholarship of the Research Institute of Irish and Scottish Studies. Tables in this database contain information about the period covered by the records, details of passengers, their port of destination and origin, as well as information on the different vessels or ships used.

No sampling (total universe)

Transcription of existing materials

Metadata Access
Creator Evans, N. John, University of Aberdeen, AHRB Centre for Irish and Scottish Studies; Harper, M. D., University of Aberdeen, Department of History
Publisher UK Data Service
Publication Year 2005
Funding Reference Arts and Humanities Research Board
Rights Copyright M.D. Harper, N.J. Evans and The National Archives, Kew; <p>The Data Collection is available to UK Data Service registered users subject to the <a href="" target="_blank">End User Licence Agreement</a>.</p><p>Commercial use of the data requires approval from the data owner or their nominee. The UK Data Service will contact you.</p>
OpenAccess true
Language English
Resource Type Text; Numeric; Still image
Discipline History; Humanities
Spatial Coverage Scotland