This collection contains four datasets on (1) chlorophyll a and phaeopigment concentrations, (2) nitrogen and organic carbon contents, (3) sediment oxygen uptakes and benthic boundary fluxes at the sediment-water interface and (4) macrofaunal abundance and biodiversity in sediments in the Canadian Arctic in 2008 and 2009. Data have been produced for a PhD thesis based on samples taken during the following expeditions:- Circumpolar Flaw Lead Study, Legs 9-10- ArcticNet expedition 2008, Leg 11 ( ArcticNet expedition 2009, Leg 4 ( Malina expedition 2009 (Malina; general, sediment retrieved with a giant box corer were used to determine benthic boundary fluxes (oxygen, silicic acid, phosphate, nitrate, ammonium) in incubation chambers, as well as sediment pigment concentration from seperate cores, to study the effect of environmental conditions on benthic ecosystem functions.Parts of the data available in this collection have been analysed for addressing various ecological questions in spatial and temporal context in the publications listed below.A general description of the study region can be found in Link et al. 2013 (POne).Please download the metadata and methods file for more details.
Funding has been provided by the Federal Ministry of Science and Education, Québec, the Canadian Research Council's project 'Canadian Healthy Oceans Network I (CHONe)' as well as the Canadian Research Council's Network of Centers of Excellence 'ArcticNet'(Impact of Climate Change on Benthos; ArcticNet Phase 2 -