HZDR Multiphase Addon for OpenFOAM


The HZDR Multiphase Addon is a software publication released by Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf according to the FAIR principles (Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability, and Reuseability). It contains experimental research work for the open-source CFD software OpenFOAM, released by The OpenFOAM Foundation. The developments are dedicated to the numerical simulation of multiphase flows, in particular to the multi-field two-fluid model (Euler-Euler method). Within the OpenFOAM library the multiphaseEulerFoam framework is used for this type of simulation. The addon contains a modified solver named HZDRmultiphaseEulerFoam with the full support of the HZDR baseline model set for polydisperse bubbly flows. In addition a solver dedicated to a hybrid modelling approach (dispersed and resolved interfaces, Meller, Schlegel and Lucas, 2021) named cipsaMultiphaseEulerFoam is provided with the addon. This solver has an interface to the multiphaseEulerFoam framework and utilizes all available interfacial models of it.

General enhancements

modified turbulent wall functions of Menter according to Rzehak and Kriebitzsch (2015)
dynamic time step adjustment via PID controller


bubble induced turbulence model of Ma et al. (2017)
drag model of Ishii and Zuber (1979) without correction for swarm and/or viscous effects
wall lubrication model of Hosokawa et al. (2002)
additional breakup and coalescence models for class method according to Kusters (1991) and Adachi et al. (1994)
degassing boundary condition (fvModel)
lift force correlation of Hessenkemper et al. (2021)
lift force correlation of Saffman (1965) as extended by Mei (1992).
aspect ratio correlation of Ziegenhein and Lucas (2017)
real pressure treatment via explicit turbulent normal stress according to Rzehak et al. (2021)
GPU-based accelerated computation of coalescence and breakup frequencies for the models of Lehr et al. (2002) (Petelin et al., 2021)
configuration files and tutorials for easy setup of baseline cases according to Hänsch et al. (2021)


morphology adaptive modelling framework for predicting dispersed and resolved interfaces based on Eulerian multi-field two-fluid model
compact momentum interpolation method according to Cubero et al. (2014), including virtual mass
numerical drag according to Strubelj and Tiselj (2011) to describe resolved interfaces in a volume-of-fluid like manner
n-phase partial elimination algorithm for momentum equations to resolve strong phase coupling (Meller, Schlegel and Lucas, 2021)
free surface turbulence damping (Frederix et al., 2018) for k-ω SST - symmetric and asymmetric - according to Tekavčič et al. (2021)
sub-grid scale modelling framework (Meller, Schlegel and Klein, 2021)

    additional LES models for the unclosed convective sub-grid scale term
    closure models for sub-grid surface tension term

configuration files and tutorials for easy setup of hybrid cases

This work was supported by the Helmholtz European Partnering Program in the project "Crossing borders and scales (Crossing)"

{"references": ["Adachi, Y., Stuart, M. C., & Fokkink, R. (1994). Kinetics of turbulent coagulation studied by means of end-over-end rotation. Journal of colloid and interface science, 165(2), 310-317.", "Cubero, A., S\u00e1nchez-Insa, A., & Fueyo, N. (2014). A consistent momentum interpolation method for steady and unsteady multiphase flows. Computers & Chemical Engineering, 62, 96-107.", "Frederix, E. M. A., Mathur, A., Dovizio, D., Geurts, B. J., & Komen, E. M. J. (2018). Reynolds-averaged modeling of turbulence damping near a large-scale interface in two-phase flow. Nuclear Engineering and Design, 333, 122-130.", "H\u00e4nsch, S., Evdokimov, I., Schlegel, F., & Lucas, D. (2021). A workflow for the sustainable development of closure models for bubbly flows. Chemical Engineering Science, 116807.", "Hessenkemper, H., Ziegenhein, T., Rzehak, R., Lucas, D., & Tomiyama, A. (2021). Lift force coefficient of ellipsoidal single bubbles in water. International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 138, 103587.", "Hosokawa, S., Tomiyama, A., Misaki, S., & Hamada, T. (2002, January). Lateral migration of single bubbles due to the presence of wall. In Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting (Vol. 36150, pp. 855-860).", "Ishii, M., & Zuber, N. (1979). Drag coefficient and relative velocity in bubbly, droplet or particulate flows. AIChE Journal, 25(5), 843-855.", "Kusters, K. A. (1991). The influence of turbulence on aggregation of small particles in agitated vessels. Eindhoven University of Technology.", "Lehr, F., Millies, M., & Mewes, D. (2002). Bubble\u2010size distributions and flow fields in bubble columns. AIChE Journal, 48(11), 2426-2443.", "Ma, T., Santarelli, C., Ziegenhein, T., Lucas, D., & Fr\u00f6hlich, J. (2017). Direct numerical simulation\u2013based Reynolds-averaged closure for bubble-induced turbulence. Physical Review Fluids, 2(3), 034301.", "Mei, R. (1992). An approximate expression for the shear lift force on a spherical particle at finite reynolds number. International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 18(1), 145-147.", "Meller, R., Schlegel, F., & Lucas, D. (2021). Basic verification of a numerical framework applied to a morphology adaptive multifield two\u2010fluid model considering bubble motions. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 93(3), 748-773.", "Meller, R., Schlegel, F., & Klein, M. (2021). Sub-grid Scale Modelling and a-Posteriori Tests with a Morphology Adaptive Multifield Two-Fluid Model Considering Rising Gas Bubbles. Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, 1-28.", "Petelin, G., Lehnigk, R., Kelling, J., Papa, G., & Schlegel, F. (2021). GPU-based Accelerated Computation of Coalescence and Breakup Frequencies for Polydisperse Bubbly Flows. 30th International Conference Nuclear Energy for New Europe (NENE2021), Bled, Slovenia.", "Rzehak, R., & Kriebitzsch, S. (2015). Multiphase CFD-simulation of bubbly pipe flow: A code comparison. International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 68, 135-152.", "Rzehak, R., Liao, Y., Meller, R., Schlegel, F., Lehnigk, R., & Lucas, D. (2021). Radial pressure forces in Euler-Euler simulations of turbulent bubbly pipe flows. Nuclear Engineering and Design, 374, 111079.", "Saffmann P. G. (1965). The lift on a small sphere in a slow shear flow. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 22(2), 385-400.", "\u0160trubelj, L., & Tiselj, I. (2011). Two\u2010fluid model with interface sharpening. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 85(5), 575-590.", "Tekav\u010di\u010d, M., Meller, R., & Schlegel, F. (2021). Validation of a morphology adaptive multi-field two-fluid model considering counter-current stratified flow with interfacial turbulence damping. Nuclear Engineering and Design, 379, 111223.", "Ziegenhein, T., & Lucas, D. (2017). Observations on bubble shapes in bubble columns under different flow conditions. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 85, 248-256."]}

DOI https://doi.org/10.14278/rodare.1742
Related Identifier IsIdenticalTo https://www.hzdr.de/publications/Publ-32194
Related Identifier IsReferencedBy https://www.hzdr.de/publications/Publ-32356
Related Identifier IsReferencedBy https://www.hzdr.de/publications/Publ-32323
Related Identifier IsReferencedBy https://www.hzdr.de/publications/Publ-32161
Related Identifier IsPartOf https://doi.org/10.14278/rodare.767
Related Identifier IsPartOf https://rodare.hzdr.de/communities/energy
Related Identifier IsPartOf https://rodare.hzdr.de/communities/fwd
Related Identifier IsPartOf https://rodare.hzdr.de/communities/hzdr
Related Identifier IsPartOf https://rodare.hzdr.de/communities/openfoam
Related Identifier IsPartOf https://rodare.hzdr.de/communities/rodare
Metadata Access https://rodare.hzdr.de/oai2d?verb=GetRecord&metadataPrefix=oai_datacite&identifier=oai:rodare.hzdr.de:1742
Creator Schlegel, Fabian ORCID logo; Bilde, Kasper Gram ORCID logo; Draw, Mazen ORCID logo; Evdokimov, Ilya; Hänsch, Susann ORCID logo; Kamble, Vikrant Vinayak ORCID logo; Khan, Harris; Krull, Benjamin ORCID logo; Lehnigk, Ronald ORCID logo; Li, Jiadong; Lyu, Hongmei; Meller, Richard ORCID logo; Petelin, Gašper ORCID logo; Tekavčič, Matej ORCID logo
Publisher Rodare
Contributor Couteau, Arthur; Colombo, Marco; Kriebitzsch, Sebastian; Parekh, Jigar; Zhang, Tingting
Publication Year 2022
Rights GNU General Public License v3.0 or later; Open Access; https://opensource.org/licenses/GPL-3.0; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
OpenAccess true
Contact https://rodare.hzdr.de/support
Language English
Resource Type Software
Version 9-s.1-hzdr.2
Discipline Life Sciences; Natural Sciences; Engineering Sciences