Here, we present internal reflection horizons (IRHs) picked in radargrams in the Dome Fuji region, Antarctica based on 22 radar profiles collected with the airborne radio-echo sounding (RES) system of the AWI mounted on its Basler BT-67 aircraft during the 2016/17 Antarctic season. 6 or 7 IRHs are traced in each radargram. The IRHs are then conneced to the Dome Fuji ice core and used to transfer the age-depth scale from the ice core to the large Dome Fuji region. The age-depth information of the IRHs are then input to a 1D ice flow model to recostruct the age field in the lower part of ice, and to evaluate basal thermal state.
H1-H7 represent the 7 isochrones from top to bottom traced in the profiles. If the value of 'Two way travel time of H3' is empty, this means that IRH3 is not traced in this profile. Trace spacing shows the distance between two neighbouring traces.