Interphase stresses and load-sharing during high temperature deformation of a creep-resistant bainitic steel


Aim: The strengthening mechanisms of a creep resistant bainitic 1%CrMoV steel at both ambient and elevated temperatures are governed by the complex microstructure comprising ductile ferrite matrix, cementite particles and fine dispersed carbides. Load sharing mechanisms have been revealed during tensile deformation at room temperature between the ferrite and cementite phase However, based on ex-situ neutron diffraction measurements the role of cementite during high temperature deformation in general and creep deformation in particular remains unclear. High temperature in-situ deformation studies should indicate the extend of strengthening provided during such testing (tensile, creep) regimes.

Metadata Access
Creator Mr Michael Weisser; Professor Helena Van Swygenhoven-Moens; Dr Stuart Holdsworth
Publisher ISIS Neutron and Muon Source
Publication Year 2014
Rights CC-BY Attribution 4.0 International;
OpenAccess true
Contact isisdata(at)
Resource Type Dataset
Discipline Photon- and Neutron Geosciences
Temporal Coverage Begin 2011-12-15T09:14:33Z
Temporal Coverage End 2011-12-20T08:46:18Z